Assisted Travel / Transport

We know that to ensure that you get through each day of yours while fulfilling all your everyday activities you might have to travel to different locations, like school, your workplace or even to your nearby community centres. Keeping this in mind, we provide assistance with travel services to make sure that your inability to travel is never something that limits the proper flow of your life. The support worker assigned to you by us will be licensed and will drive you to and fro to all your appointments without ever compromising with your safety. Or in case you just need someone to supervise you while you drive, our support workers would do that for you too.

disability services

We understand how important going out in the world out there is for the overall wellbeing of an individual. And to make sure that you attain the maximum level of this said wellbeing, we take care of all your travel needs. From your everyday commute to your school, office or a nearby library to some weekend getaways, everything travel-related comes under the purview of our service. And we will also help you avail of assistive travel technologies like wheelchairs, etc. if the need be and also arrange vehicles for short trips or weekend getaways.

Under this support service, our support workers will help you commute to:

All your regular professional appointments.
Nearby community centres, libraries, shopping complexes, etc.

  • All your educational appointments
  • All your medical appointments
  • Weekend getaways
  • Recreational activities like your hobby classes.

To know more about this service, get in touch with us at Horizon Access Care today.

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